Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Three rules for catching a ball....#1 Always be ready...

hahaha Go Rondo!

...#2 Jump high....

Charlie could be one of those "jump off the dock for the bumper" dogs.

... and #3, never take your eyes off the ball.

Stormie needs to practice on mouth to eye reflex.

Kubba and Max are so tired, they can't even stand up to play.

Max and Kubba playing some kind of upside down doggie wrestling game. haha

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


S.C.K (B'lanna's mom) was first to answer last weeks question correctly!!!!!!!! Her answer to the question. (what is a warm dry dog nose an indicator of???) was; "Nothing... a nose is a nose to sniff with." BE THE FIRST TO ANSWER THIS WEEKS QUESTION!!!!

The Crew havin' a little yappy hour before activity time.

One day I'll have to post video to this blog, so you folks can see the funny morning stuff the dogs do.

Tyson come here. I have to tell you a secret.

Tucker and Tyson telling secrets in class today.

Cutting a rug

Bonnie Doon and Asher cutting a rug together this morning. New love?

Little dog-o-rama

left to right. Harleigh (Harleigh girl), Shayna (Shayna Marie), Bailee (Bailee roo, Bayroot), Mikey (Michael), Angel (Angel-ita).

Monday, July 27, 2009


Gus, Mattie, Asher and Koda, beating the heat, during a pool party. Rondo is in the background getting a running start. YYYEEEEHHHAAAAA!

I hate pool parties. ;)

Its a dirty job,.. and Gus does those.

Did you just say, treat?

Rusty and Lucy representin'.

From: Coals Mom & Dad

"This is Coal after a day at "Bobs'"...He is so tired he sleeps like this the rest of the nite.... hmmmm..Puppy dreams."

Friday, July 24, 2009

In the mind of a Cattle Dog.

Emma barks, "Tucker, Charlie sniff the southeast. Kubba watch the north. Mattie, Josie, Benjamin, Sophie patrol our flank. Everyone else check our borders. B'lanna, Emma, Lulu watch and learn. And Theo, you guard the door.

Max prepares for his challenge with Ginsberg.

Rosy lends a helping hand to Max (a.k.a. Little Max, Smackx, Maxie) whipping him into perfect tug condition. Good luck Max. Don't forget Ginsberg is the 16time Heavyweight Rope Tugger Champion.

Welcome Lulu!

Lulu is a Cattle Dog mix who I think may be a new recruit for our Fetch Team. ;)

Welcome B'lanna!

Technically this is her second day. :) She's a Rotty pup who has been through Dogs Bay Training, and now is going to socialize here at Canine Antics. What a sweet heart!

Welcome Emma!

Emma is a 3mo. GSD. She has been going to puppy parties, but now has graduated to all on Dog School. Here she is meeting Max for the first time. Good boy Maxwell!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

TRIVIA!! Be the first to answer this correctly win a prize!!!!

Please post your answer in the form of a comment to this blog pic. Every week I'm going to post a new trivia question. So, If you want your dog to get a free Kongcoction, Hextra chew or maybe even a FREE DAYCARE DAY, stay tuned an answer the questions!!!!!!!

This is exactly why I use a stick to pick up the tennis balls.

Which ball would you pick up?

Tucker's at play

Tucker (Boxer) and Tucker (Visla) involved in an intense wrestling match... I bet Tucker wins.

Starting line-up

Starting for your very own Canine Antics Championship Fetch Team.... At Center; Emma Jean, Forward; Tucker and Lily, and in the back field; Malie, Sophie, Charlie, and Chena.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Koda is ready to defend her title..

Max decieded today was the day to challenge for rights to the poof chair.

Max gets an advantage...

Max uses his secret weapon... body weight. Doesn't theo look very excited in the back ground? haha

Maxwell is the new Poof Chair Champion!!!!!!! (the crowd goes wild!!)

Don't look so sad Koda, There's always tomorrow.

Victory Tug with Lola

Max is very proud of himself. Maybe he could be a double title holder... i.e. Poof chair and Rope tug champ? Look out Ginsberg!


Bless you. WIll you be needing a tissue Rosy?

O.K...32 Bootleg green, on 2... READY!!! BREAK!!!

If dog bowls could only talk.

What? I'm a dog?????

By the looks of things, Murphy has never been told she is a dog, not a person. :)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Preston going for the "longest free hanging connected at the middle" drool.

(in baby talk) Gimmie kissies Preston.. hahaha

Yup! The Dawg Hawk is still being sported by Skippy.

I don't care who you are.... That's funny rot thure.

Welcome Luna!

Luna my be new to my eyes, but I have the feeling these arn't her first doggie friends. Oh yeah,... and what a lover!!

Welcome Telulah!

Telulah is our new JRT pup. Here she is on her first day trying out the slide!

A tired Fox Terrier is a good Fox Terrier.

Dixie (left) and Lindy have put together a Canine Antics Championship Fetch Team Feather Weight Division. I think your arm will get tired before they do.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hey Bob, Can you give us a moment?

Rosie and Tucker playing on the poof chair together. Arn't they so cute?

Faster than a speeding chipmunk, able to leap small obstacle's with a single bound... Its Mikey and Rusty!!!! .

Mikey and his trusty sidekick Rusty. These two travel around fighting crimes and saving the world. :)

Here's a couple of pics of "The Pack" in action.

I could never, in a million years, ask for a better group of dogs to spend my work days with. They make the thought, of working another 30+ years until retirement, not seem so bad.

Canine Antics first ever doggie basketball game!!!

Kubba, Boone and Tucker warming up for the scrimmage. LETS GO DOGGIES, LETS GO! (clap, clap, clap)

If I could just get my lips around this thing.

Tucker really enjoyed basketball today. Tucker showed (human) John this afternoon how defense is played in the dog world.

Gus. 5-minutes in the penalty box. Not respecting the personal space of others.hahaha.

Judging by his smile, I feel Gus doesn't mind a time out.

Hey guys, whats goin' on?

Chloe is Groomer Lindsey's new girl. She can play both sides, but really likes being with little dogs. Good Girl!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Help! I've fallen and can't get up.

Kubba being silly as usual.

For those of you who question the royalty of my "Swiss Mountian Beagle".

Sedona (left) is a pure swiss mountain dog. Max (right) the newer breed. If you question, just look at the similarities. Right down to the white tip of the tail. haha ;)