Sunday, November 8, 2009

Welcome Miley!!!

Miley is a young rotty pup having a ball here at Canine Antics.

This is Canine Antics revolutionary new door bell system.

Features: 21 point olfactory detection system. Each capable of detecting a human skin cell trail. 42 optical sensors set up in pairs with low light and motion detection systems. 42 auditory pick-ups also set up in pairs capable of detecting an earthworm crawling 12inches underground. Each pair is even on a free roaming weather proof frame. Devices can be set up for alert, stun or kill..... hahahaha!

Guess who taught Hamlet to jump on the back counter?

"Bob, Hamlet and Buddy are on the counter again!!!!!" Says Clancy and crew. Buddy says; "Just don't make eye contact and maybe he won't see us."

It was getting a bit cold so Smax, and Tuck wore their stylish coats.

Hey, who went potty on the floor?

"Don't look at us, we didn't do it."

Little fluffy white dog-o-rama.

I love it when all these guys are together.

Mikey, Tehluah, Harley, Lucy, Mandy, and Rusty are the best of friends.

They swirl around like the Tasmanian Devil, sometimes you can't even tell who's who.

Tuckers Glamour Shot

Neck Straight... (click) O.k. now look off like your pondering life... (click) Nice. (click).... hahaha.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Rosie, no diggin'.

Tuck says;"See Gus I told ya we would have gotten caught".

Welcome Back Rudy!!! In celebration, we'll have a tennis ball toss extravaganza!!

Rudy (Jack Russell Terr.) has been out of the doggie daycare loop for a while and now is back!!

Rudy quickly rememberd the glorious feeling of chasing the rubber ball around.

If Rudy were Golom, he would call the ball "My Precious." haha.

Gus actually pulled off a graceful move catching this particular ball.

Wow Gus I'm impressed,.. and nothing even got broke.

All Sunshine needs is a tutu.

Sunshine loves her tennis balls

Of course Emma Jean must be involved

Emma, Emma, Emma, possible borderline compulsive.

Even Tucker got in on the fun.

Tucker usually is busy woooing Rosie,... his woman.

Smaxie doing his "Matrix" impression

Hahaha kinda looks like a Killer Whale jumping out of the water after a Seal.

Buddy, get off the counter...

Due to Buddy's "run-in" with the car about 8mo. ago, Its been a while since he's been able to jump on the back counter. Guess that means hes back to 100%

Hamlet says; "After close observation, it becomes very apparent that your tail is much straighter than Wallys."

Ever get the feeling your being watched?

The Crew

"Bob, Finny keeps biting my bottom lip"

Finnian, leave the poor German Shepard alone.... Emma S. and Finnian (a.k.a "The Fin", "Finny") played together most all day long.

Friends at play.

We really have the best group of k9 clientele here at Canine Antics. Rosie and Gus play "poof chair wars", with Tuck and Princess as cheerleaders. At the same time Coal and Lola play "chase me". Coal and Princess both will be away from us this winter. :(

Koda's narration...

"..and in the background you can see many breeds of dog, but of course we all know I'm the best looking.... I mean come on I'm a husky!