Tuesday, December 29, 2009


For those of you who own Goldens, you know they love their winter time. Sometimes its hard to get them to even come in! hahaha!

"You talkin' ta me?"

Tucker has the best facial expressions! haha.

"Gus, gimme' the ball, or I'll take it with my paw."

Children,...share with your friends.

Tucker and Rosie.. Its like Romeo and Juliet.

..."Rosie wears the pants in this relationship."


Zuki, you wrecked the fun.. haha. Leave it to the dog to pop your ball.

A big giant ball! I must play with it!

Lily and Emma say "My turn, my turn!"

Hello, I'm Tucker! ..And I'm one years owd.


Hhhoooooaaaaaccccckkkkkkk, petwy!

Talk about a lump in your throat

Bestest friends!

Wally, Finn, Belle, Mikey and Oliver love playing together.

HELP!! Wallys gettin' me!!!!

Hang on Gus, I'll save ya!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Rudy steps on the bed... Then,... Boing! Just look at that perfect form ladies and gentleman.

.....and the crowd goes wild!!!!!!!! (hissing sound of the crowd) hahaha!
...and just for the record that is drool on the bed from a chew toy being chewed.

DOGGY SAFETY TIP #121...Always be sure to keep all fingers out of the way when playing the ball game with a JRT.

Especially with Rudy. (a.k.a. Rude dawg)

See if you can look at this pic and not say "Awwwwwe" aloud.

Max (remaining unchallenged king of the poof chair) sharing his bean bag with Kubba.

Pop that collar Brick.

Doesn't Brick have the most stylish coat?

Oliver with his surfer dude due.

Toootally Nawwwwrrrly!

Skippys Dawk Hawk forecast.

"Hey everyone! This is Skippy coming to you live from the potty yard weather deck. Todays forecast snow, snow, and more snow, followed by snow, ice, cold, and more, cold. Winds out of the west at 10mph...Just the way we dogs like it!....Clancy can't you see I'm trying to do my weekly forecast!?"

On your mark, get set, ...

Bailee looooves a bouncing ball.

Fly, Bailee fly!!!!!.

hahaha he looks like "the predator"

Believe it or not Bailee's ears and tail spin around like propellers and he can actually fly!!!!! haha!

His true aspirations are to walk on free agent with Santa's Reindeer.

hahaha look at how all the others are staring at him.

Everybody loves Michael. (a.k.a. Mikey)

Buddy quickly making new friends at Canine Antics.

Welcome Buddy!

Buddy is a dog I have for training. His Mom was excited for him to have some recess from his training to meet some new friends.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Welcome baack Sammy!!!

Sammy was a regular when he was a pup... now he's a growed up.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Waaaa Hooo!!!!!

Everyone had a good Thanksgiving, but Lily is jumping for joy that schools back in session.

Burning some pent up enegry.

Finny, Wally, Buddy, Tucker, Bandit, and Zoe had a blast today after some time off.

"Come on Granpa, lets go!"

Zoe and Sam playin together.