Thursday, January 21, 2010

Welcome Maisy!

Maisy and Willow are new friends here at Canine Antics. Kim getting lovins' from the new girl.

Welcome Willow!!

Don't mind Chauncey, he's just checkin your ID.:)

A sea of dogs!

We had bunches of friends playing today! How many do you see in this pic?

Naa, Naa , I'm the winner.

Don't stick your tongue out Dude, its not sportsmanlike.

He throws in the Front Head Lock ...and One!, Two!, Three!, Dude gets the pin!

Nothing Zuke can do

2pts, Dude, Take-down....

Dude executes a perfect quadruple leg take down on Mizuki.

Looks to me like Josie, Belle, and Boone are planning something in secret.

If we could only read their minds.....well maybe sometimes we dont want to..haha.

"How bout a little privacy?"

Tomato in her potty area. :)

"Hi, who are you? I've not seen you here before.."

I could watch these two dogs play all day.

"Hey, wait a look just like me!"

haha B'lanna and Miley played sooo good together... Its a Rotty thing.

Class Clowns.

Tucker and Chance are quickly becoming good friends.

Awwe, Smooshie face Clancy, and tired Buddy.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bandit sporting his new Lions wear.

That dog has taste.;)

Dogs playing in our anti-gravity play room.

No other Doggie Daycare has an anti-gravity room!!! haha!

Our first practice with your 2010 World Champion Fetch players!

Welcome "Dude", from the Golden Pack!

From left to right; Meadow, Josie, Ginsberg, Gus, Hamlet, and up front is our new boy "Dude"!

Lets meet a few from the little dog crew.....

First of all theres Chloe and her brother Hudson,

Chloe loves her brother so much, she often gives him back rubs. :)

...and Mikey,

We all know Mikey (a.k.a. Michael). Hes a Coton De'teular. Fluffy little white dog for short.


Oliver is a daisy dog mix that has tons-o-fun with his daycare friends

...and of course, Buddy.

Buddy is my home school dog. He's been roomin' with me learning the ropes of being a good dog.